GPS coordinates of anchorages provided for convenience but should not be relied upon for navigation.

Ft. Pierce
Marina with full service boatyard, on-premise restaurant, pool & gym, and provisions within walking distance.
Cape Canaveral
A convenient stopover amidst cruise ships. Not much to do in the immediate area but a short Uber ride to Cocoa Beach.
St. Augustine
Right in the heart of historical St. Augustine, this marina has excellent services, at-dock pumpout & fuel, sailor’s lounge and free coffee at the office. The current can be very strong so plan to arrive / depart at slack tide.
Fernandina Beach
A calm anchorage near Little Tiger Island, a short dinghy ride from Fernandina Harbor Marina, which has a long dinghy dock right in the heart of downtown.

A family run marina near “downtown” Brunswick. One of the friendliest marinas yet, family run, with free laundry, several happy hours per week and a very sociable crowd.
Wassaw Sound
Anchor in the Wilmington River,right across from the Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. Good holding. No crowd.

South Carolina
Hilton Head
Not too many deep water slips, but a great marina with the most helpful staff we’ve yet to encounter. Dockmasters Mike and Michael were particularly nice. It’s conveniently located on the northern end of the island just inside Port Royal Sound.
Morgan Island
A quiet anchorage in the St. Helena Sound. They call Morgan Island “Monkey” Island. Supposedly it is inhabited by monkeys retired from the laboratory testing business.
This is an incredible marina with its famous “megadock”, a 500 meter long dock accomodating transient yachts on either side and fuel pumps that can reach every boat while tied up. It’s a pleasant walk to Harleston Village and the French Quarter of Charleston. It also offers a shuttle bus for provisioning, etc.
Winyah Bay
This is a quiet Western Channel anchorage in the only inlet between Charleston and the North Carolina border. Tidal currents run 2-3 knots but holding is good. There are a few black flies but nothing crazy. The inlet itself has some strong currents and should only be used in fair weather, and preferably moving with the tide.

North Carolina
A small marina a few miles north of Southport and one of the few in the area with deep enough water for a deep draft sailboat. Dockmasters Shan and Sandy are extremely nice and full of helpful suggestions for visiting the area. The Bald Head Island ferries leave from this marina so there’s always a lot of activity during the day.
Wrightville Beach
34º12’29.51″ N
77º47’54.67″ W
This anchorage is between the mainland and the island, southwest of the causway bridge. It’s NOT quiet, with motorboats buzzing by most of the day, but better at night. There’s a moderate current, but good holding. Easy access to town.
Wrightsville Beach
Nestled between Banks Channel and the Intracoastal Waterway, there’s always a friendly crowd assembled at the dock office. Access through Motts Channel can get shallow so come in near hight tide.
Cape Lookout Bight
34º 37’12.75″ N
76º 32’58.15″ W
About 10 NM east of Beaufort, this hook of beach and dunes provides good protection all around, plent of room, and good holding, not to mention beautiful, unspoiled beaches and dunes.
A little cirtuitous to get to fro the ocean, but if you carefully follow the channel markers, It is safe to come in and plenty of deeper draft sailboats do. Not the most friendly staff, nor the most up-to-date infrastructure, bit it works and it puts you in the heart of Beaufort land and water life.

Up the Elizabeth River, past a huge Navy yard and right across from downtown Norfolk, this marina offers a convenient location, with a nearby ferry crossing the river every 30 minutes. The infrastructure is undergoing a face lift and improving. Watch the depth. It was lower than reported in one of the fairways, and we bumped our keel. Come in at high tide if you draw over 7 feet. STAY AWAY from Fish n’ Slips, the marina restaurant. Bad food, bad service and inflated prices.

Solomons Island
38º 19’53.78″ N
76º 27’38.71″ W
Just across from the Calvert Maritime Museum, this anchorage, although small, offers good holding. Power boats coming in and out of nearby marinas can be a little inconsiderate.
38º 42’17.17″ N
76º 21’33.86″ W
Across the Tred Avon River from the town of Oxford, this anchorage is peaceful with good holdling. A little tricky to find a dinghy dock in the town of Oxford.
St. Michaels
38º 47’24.74″ N
76º 12’38.44 W
Large anchorage just outside of St. Michaels harbor. Lots of boats on a busy weekend, but plenty of room and good holding. Unfortunately, quite a few jellyfish in the surrounding water.
38º 58’33.34″ N
76º 28’57.41″ W
Mooring field in Spa Creek in the heart of Annapolis. Very cool location next to the US Naval Academy. Water taxi or dinghy to downtown is a matter of a few minutes.
St. Michaels
This indoor / outdoor museum about the Chesapeake Bay also has a marina. It’s basic, but functional. You need to be a member of the museum, but the membership fee plus dockage comes out to be less than the other marinas in town. And it includes use of bicycles and unlimited museum visits.
Adjacent to the Annapolis Yacht Club, this marina a great location, in walking distance from downtown and a short Uber ride to supermarkets, marine stores, etc.

Delaware River
39º 34’05.31″ N
75º 33’46.97″ W
Not the most beautiful setting, but a practical anchorage just north of the C&D Canal exit. Not many other places to stop between the canal and Cape May, NJ. Good holding. No problems.

New Jersey
Cape May
38º 57’00.80″ N
74º 52’58.70″ W
Avoid unless necessary. We anchored to save time making a predawn departure. However, the ancorage is too small for more than a couple of boats. It is right off a crazy busy channel. And we snagged an underground cable! South Jersey Marina may be a better choice.

New York
New York City
Extremely expensive, but what a location! Technically, in New Jersey, across the Hudson River from Manhattan, this marina offers front row views of the Manhattan skyline. A ferry goes back and forth all day for easy access to the city.
New York City
Extremely expensive, but what a location! Technically, in New Jersey, across the Hudson River from Manhattan, this marina offers front row views of the Manhattan skyline. A ferry goes back and forth all day for easy access to the city.
Oyster Bay
Port Jefferson
A very nice, small yacht club in this busy harbor. Friendly, helpful staff. Close to everything.

This marina is just north of the railroad swing bridge on the Mystic River. You hear trains go by, but it’s not a problem at night. The marina is tightly packed and tenants are friendly. The infrastructure is modern and clean. Office Manager, Julie and Marina Manager, Don are super nice and accommodating. They were personally waiting for us at the dock to catch lines

Rhode Island
A short walk across the causeway from downtown Newport, this marina is near the heart of the action but maintains a quieter atmosphere. Helpful staff. Very expensive but…it’s Newport.
Block Island
41º 11.48′ N
71º 34.67′ W
Anchorage in Great Salt Pond. Good holding except in spots where there are shell beds. Protcted from all directions. You won’t be lonely here!

Vineyard Haven
41º 27.97′ N
70º 35.63′ W
There are mooring balls in the inner harbor, but they are reserved for boats under 40′. Outside the breakwater are more mooring and plenty of room to anchor. A 5 minute dinghy ride brings you to a dinghy dock just next to the ferry terminal.
Hyannis Marina
Nice marina. Infrastructure is dated but functional. Staff is attentive. Includes marine store, pool, services, etc. Walking distance from the harbor boardwalk. Prices outrageous like most Cape Cod marinas.
DON’T DOCK HERE. Despite being the cool kids marina, it is not designed for sailboats. With high, fixed docks, you will find your deck below the dock level, making fender placement difficult at best. Also, the fairways are too narrow for comfortable manoevering.
We were assigned to a leeward dock to which we were pinned with 20 knots of wind abeam, requiring waiting an extra day for lighter winds to safely depart. This leads to the next point. Not only is this marina ridiculously priced, taking advantage of its monopolistic position, but money is the primary point of interest. They to know your credit card number before any further conversation.
Stay on a mooring ball managed by Nantucket Moorings, and use the launch service or your dinghy to go ashore.
In the heart of Provincetown, this is a great marina. Pricy, but you get a lot in terms of near perfect infrastructure, great services and nice atmosphere. The marina also manages a vast mooring field in Provincetown marina with a launch service and / or dinghy dock. Avoid the outer E-dock if there’s wind or chop coming off the bay. The breakwater offers minimal protection and you will bounce so much that your fenders will find their way over the dock, leaving your hull exposed.
There are several locations, some in the heart of the fishing port with trawlers plying by at close distance, and some further out the harbor. All are convenient and there’s a very efficient launch service and / or dinghy dock.

New Hampshire
Although technically in Maine, we stopped here to visit Portsmouth, New Hampshire, so we’re considering it part of that state. This quaint marina, unlike the other industrial-sized marinas in the Safe Harbor conglomerate, is small, and feels family-owned. Dockmaster, Jason, is kind, professional and proactive. There is free coffee and ice as well as a brand-new courtesy car (unlike the old-beaters most marinas loan to visitors). The marina has a few docks and mooring balls. The mooring balls are on a river with strong current and eddies so it’s anybody’s guess which way you’ll be pointing, when. It’s an easy 10 minute dinghy ride to Portsmouth downtown.

Located in Falmouth, just to the north of Portland, Handy Boat Services has what we believe is the largest mooring field on the east coast, with literally hundreds of mooring balls, sheltered between the mainland and Clapboard Island. A launch service picks up and drops off boaters all day. Onshore is a shop and a restaurant, and there’s a bus stop to get to Falmouth Center (5 minutes) or downtown Portland (15 minutes).
Boothbay Harbor
Friendly, conveniently located yacht club with friendly staff and members. Launch service on demand and well-maintained mooring balls.
Located a few minutes from the heart of the Old Port, this marina has very modern infrastructure and good services.
Boothbay Harbor
Still a favorite thanks to the welcome from owners Kim and Chris, the family-like atmosphere and the perfect location.
Lyman-Morse manages mooring balls throughout Camden Harbor. We were just north of Curtis Island on the outer harbor. A lauch service operates all day if you don’t want to fuss with a dinghy. Can be some swells this far out.
Seal Harbor
44º 05.33 N
68º 48.4’5 W
Beautiful, unspoiled inlet on the northeast side of Vinalhaven Island, surrounded with rocky islands and pine trees. Quintessential Maine. Quite a few obstacles coming in but charts are up to date and it’s safe if you follow them. Also, winds can be gusty and shifty as you pass by openings between islands.