Day 23 – O’ Canada
Some interesting observations about the wonderful country we’re visiting. Et un article dédié à nos amis francophones.
Some interesting observations about the wonderful country we’re visiting. Et un article dédié à nos amis francophones.
Charles Dickens nicknamed Québec City the Gibraltar of America. Read on to find out why.
The calm AFTER the storm. A perfect day arriving in Québec City.
This was one of those days. that, while challenging, makes you a better sailor.
Today we left Montréal with lumps in our throats. What a nice city. But our consolation was the best sail we’ve had yet!
Our last day in Montréal… provisioning, errands, repairs, appointments and a delicious French dinner.
A day spent exploring a great city, and tasting the fine cuisine it offers!
Welcome to Montreal, a city with European flair.
Hurry up and wait… bridge and lock schedules are only vague estimates of when things really happen.