Day 12 – Valleyberry-de-Salafield?
No, it’s Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, but we keep getting it backwards. It’s a curious town in numerous ways… read on.
No, it’s Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, but we keep getting it backwards. It’s a curious town in numerous ways… read on.
We hope our American friends had a good Independence Day holiday yesterday. We left the Province of Ontario and crossed into the Province of Québec where we’ll spend most of July.
Locked through the Eisenhower and Snell locks… the first big ones.
From hot and sunny to major downpour, we experienced it all at this anchorage.
Took the day to plan the next legs of the journey and to allow our buddy boat, s/v African Queen IV to catch up.
Leaving familiar faces and places behind, we pushed on. Bienvenu au Canada!
A day off the water to clean, shop, do some light maintenance and enjoy a nice dinner on land.